Rapid River offers pictures from several photo galleries for a variety of uses. View photos and contact us. The price of the image is determined by the purpose.
Portraits are not for advertisement use.
Rapid River galleries have images from years past, but nature images have not changed in content over time. The last of the galleries is pictures of the old Rapid River image archive around Finland and abroad; India, USA and Russian Siberia.
Photos from galleries have been compiled to present the diverse area of different themes.
All rights reserved © Rapid River 2020
Perämeri, Meri-Lappi, Perämeren vanhat kirkot
Mobile photos – Oulu – Kuusamo
Matka hiljaisuuteen introduces videos that have been filmed in different seasons in Finland’s most beautiful landscapes, Oulanka National Park, Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park, Linnansaari National Park, the Bothnian Bay and its white city, Oulu. There are thousands of hours of Full HD video filmed and they are background material for future productions.
The clips represent videos taken in many shooting situations, locations, light, and seasons. Each clip is shortened to a 5 to 15 second pattern and represents the basic material of the theme described, which can be used to compose various nature presentations, including for social media use. There may also be a man in the wild (not advertisement) who was at the scene.
Watch the video clips in the Matka Hiljaisuuteen -gallery
Books for sale
Puhdas vesi – KITKAJOKI – Kitkajärvi
You can order “Puhdas vesi – KITKAJOKI – Kitkajärvi” as an E-book from all publishers, for example from Elisa book – for 6,90 €
The printed book can be found in the stores of the Suomalainen Kirjakauppa – for € 25.95
The photo book “Puhdas vesi – KITKAJOKI – Kitkajärvi” introduces the research, conservation history, nature-created spiritual well-being, culture, art, clean food, fishing and rare lake trout that are unique in the whole country.
In this way, support water conservation in Kuusamo and Posio. and information
Currently work in progress book
Meri ja vanhat kirkot
MERI ja VANHAT KIRKOT showcases churches built in the middle of Arctic nature, with a unique history in the northern Baltic Sea. A guide to old churches on the Arctic and the coast, this book will guide people interested in culture, history, old churches and the nature around them to explore the unique nature and culture of the sea in the northern Baltic Sea.
There are 221 template pages of the booklet and support is needed to finish it.
Reprinted on request
Light in the wilderness
The light in the wilderness is a photo book about the nature of Kuusamo. The heart of the Kitkajoki River is a valuable part of the Oulanka National Park in Kuusamo. Several works of art have been published in Kuusamo, only one of which mainly describes the River Kitkajoki. It is Light in the Wilderness – a work by Tauno Kohonen.
The work has been selected as one of the most beautiful books of 1993. The photo book includes a poetic story of the variation in seasons and times of the day in eight languages (Finnish, Swedish, English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese).