
Drone filming in northern Finland

Fly to the world of social media via drone

Videos, photos, web-design, leaflets at the same time


Rapid river does proper communication to different media channels by today’s standards. We acknowledge the big picture and get started from the demand and focus on effectivity of the content and the feeling. We aim to find the right solutions based on our experience.

We do corporate communication and big joint campaigns. We help you to find the essential part of your message. The best know-how is managing the entity and implementing it.

We offer media services

printing services

Our works are displayed visually beautiful and interesting online. Product can be a 10-minute youtube video, 30-second social media video, multiple short vide commercials with different themes or even a documentary of your own story.


We use the newest drones, which can film long flights

We offer social media services

-using an online program, we can publish automated material like advertises, pictures and videos used on your social media platform of choice
-updates will be made on scheduled days and for a fixed period of time
-for example, Kitkajoki Instagram’s automated updates form a stylish whole


Rapid River has done major campaigns that include designing and implementing media products. Throughout its long history, print, webpages, photography and video have been combined into one campaign. The starting point for the projects is the planning and implementation of the campaigns.

At the same time, management, financial, training, sales and marketing tasks for EU projects have been completed, as well as project plans, funding applications and reporting to the donors and steering groups.

It’s a good idea to do an advertising project with others.

Examples of old video campaigns

Heinäveden reitti 2010 (2min)


Heinäveden reitti 2006 (13min)


Examples of old print campaigns

Oulun ja maakunnan matkailulehti

Kuusamo Lapland lehti

Heinävesi matkailuesite

Old magazine covers

Campaign clients

Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kunnat, joissa useita eri kuntien mainoskampanjoita
Utajärven ja Vaalan kunta, Kalajoki ja Siikajoki -kunnat | Pyhännän kunta
Kuusamon, Taivalkosken, Posion, Sallan ja Kemijärven kunnat
Kiiminkijoen kunnat | Heinäveden kunta
Kuopion matkailu, Savonlinnan matkailu, Rantasalmen kunta
Metsähallitus | Meri-Lapin kunnat, Kemi, Tornio, Simo, Tervola | Skellefteå kommun